这两年VR是热门话题,有这么一位出生在希腊雅典的艺术家做了一个叫做《Self Portrait自画像 (Interior 内观)》的作品,大家先来看看动图,画风是这样的……




这就是设计此作品的艺术家来自希腊的Theo Triantafyllidis,是不是挺有范儿的。

Theo Triantafyllidis at work on the computers in the Game Lab.

Self Portrait一直是艺术家们喜欢的创作形式,有国外艺术院校求学经历的朋友说不定还记得自己用来申请院校的作品集中也总是拿自画像充数。


出生于1988年的Theo Triantafyllidis,之前一直在希腊研修建筑,2016年才在著名的美国加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA研究所,拿到了 Design | Media Arts专业的MFA硕士。来自UCLA的大牛多不胜数,VR这一代表当下技术创新的流行手段也是愈来愈多被大家用到了作品当中。

https://creators.vice.com/en_us/article/4xb34b/magic-school-bus-on-mushrooms-virtual-reality-trip-inside-an-artists-body 是一段以新锐报道闻名世界的媒体VICE对Theo西奥作的简短访谈。

我们甚至还能找到此作的创意故事板STORYBOARD,可以对《Self Portrait 》的创作思路一窥究竟:


download the storyboard pdf.



Self Portrait (Interior) was commissioned by DiMoDa, a preeminent virtual institution and a virtual reality exhibition platform dedicated to the distribution and promotion of New Media Art. It was part of the VR group show Morphe Presence, showcasing artists Brenna Murphy, Rosa Menkman, Miyö Van Stenis and Theo Triantafyllidis. It has been exhibited in multiple locations, including Superchief Gallery in NY, the Satellite Art Show in Miami and the RISD Museum in Rhode Island. It has been written about on the creators project, fabbula , rock paper shotgun and kill screen. The full VR group show can be downloaded here.


read the interview on creators project.



Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – Look
Available On: Windows & Mac, Standard Screen or VR

点击下载 Self Portrait (Interior), which is available in multiple formats. And click here to download the entire DiMoDa group show, which is best experienced in VR with an Oculus Rift and Xbox controller.